Saturday, April 7, 2007

Effectiveness and efficiency of visually supported oral presentations

Visual presentations accompanied by oral presentations are a common medium in formal education and business settings 'to get something across'. It was held, that supporting the spoken word with a visual aid (Powerpoint or Keynote software) would enhance understanding. Researchers now claim that the learner can process information better, when only one channel is used. In 'The Performance of Visually Supported Oral Presentations' ... ' the informational value of the use of presentation software' is analyzed in F2F situations by Prof. Knoblauch.(via Der Standard)

The pro and cons of (the daily 35 million) PPT presentations have been on-going. Some use minimal visualisation to emphasise their speech, others are very effectively omitting standard PPT features. Very rarely does someone (video) merge the visual with audio effectively (video). Most of the time it seems to be a talking head's memo crutch, that everybody has to read along.

Outside walled learning, shared online slides at least give the user the options to navigate tempo or hark back into the visual or audio. One is not 'held hostage' by the frontal presenter.
EdTech slides on Slideshare
PPT help for walled education
Designing effective PPT presentations

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Using the Palm PDA for educational purposes - video

Teacher Tube features a video on how to utilise the Palm PDA. Pity the Ozzie lawn-mower ruins the audio.